A New Look for Themes by bavotasan.com

It took a while but I finally completed the new look for Themes by bavotasan.com. I felt like the old design wasn’t up to snuff and wanted to include as much CSS3 as I could to show off just how cool your site can look in a modern browser. Sadly, those using IE will not be able to experience all the shadows and rounded corners, but that’s what you get when you use inferior browsers (that right, I said it!).

The new look for Themes by bavotasan.com

I think the most important improvement with this new design is a whole new forum. I started to fiddle around with the idea of using a new software for my forum after meeting the guys from Vanilla at WordCamp Montreal this past summer. They seemed very keen on WordPress integration and their software looked amazing.
The new forum powered by Vanilla

It took a little bit of time for me to crack the inner workings of Vanilla but I was able to get it working the way I wanted it to and so far I really like it. Hopefully all of my forum members will like it as well.
As always, I am totally open to any feedback you might have in regards to the new design and forum so feel free to send some emails my way.

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Picture of Luke Perrie

Luke Perrie