Hiding the WordPress Dashboard for Non-Admin Users

There are two plugins out there that I have found that help customize your WordPress install by removing the dashboard. Why would you want to do this? Well, perhaps you have installed and customized WordPress for a client who really doesn’t need the dashboard, or you don’t want users who login to see the dashboard. Either way, there are options. Something like this is best left to a plugin so that when you upgrade is still functions and you don’t have to go in and change everything.

Deep Wave has created a plugin called Hide Dashboard. It allows Admins to see the dashboard and removes it for regular users. There are a few options like allowing Authors and Editors to see the dashboard. I tried using this plugin on WordPress 2.7 and it did remove the dashboard for non-Admin users, but when they logged in it brought them straight to the dashboard even though the link was removed. Not really what you want.
Il Filosofo created a small plugin called Remove the Dashboard which worked great but hasn’t yet been updated for 2.7. I went in and made a few changes to get it to do what I wanted. Here is the original plugin code written by Austin Matzko and full credit is given to him for figuring it all out.

has_cap($menu[$page][1]) && next($menu))
$page = key($menu);
if (preg_match('#wp-admin/?(index.php)?$#',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && ('index.php' != $menu[$page][2]))
wp_redirect(get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/' . $menu[$page][2]);
add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_the_dashboard');

I made some minor changes so that now it works in WordPress 2.7 and Admins have the ability to view the dashboard when they login.

has_cap($menu[$page][1]) && next($menu))
                $page = key($menu);
        if (preg_match('#wp-admin/?(index.php)?$#',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && ('index.php' != $menu[$page][2]))
                wp_redirect(get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/post-new.php');
add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_the_dashboard');

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Luke Perrie