How to Display an Author List with Avatars in WordPress: Redux

This code is no longer up-to-date. Please check out “An Even Better Author List in WordPress” for a better approach.

WordPress has a built in function to display a list of all of your site’s authors. But there is no option to display their avatars, so all you really get is a text list that links to the author’s page, if you have an author.php file in your theme, that is. I needed to also display the authors’ avatars for a client so I came up with a little piece of code that seems to do the trick.
NOTE: The old piece of code only worked if you were using pretty permalinks, and it was a little clunky.

function contributors() {
global $wpdb;
$authors = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, user_nicename from $wpdb->users ORDER BY display_name");
foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "
  • "; echo "ID; echo "\">"; echo get_avatar($author->ID); echo ""; echo '"; echo "
  • "; } }

    I also had to add some CSS to my style.css file to make it look the way I wanted.

    #authorlist li {
    	clear: left;
    	float: left;
    	margin: 0 0 5px 0;
    #authorlist {
    	width: 40px;
    	height: 40px;
    	float: left;
    #authorlist div.authname {
    	margin: 20px 0 0 10px;
    	float: left;

    NOTE: If you are using the User Photo plugin you can replace echo get_avatar($author->ID); with echo userphoto($author->ID);

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    Picture of Luke Perrie

    Luke Perrie