Remove the Title Attribute from WordPress Category and Page Lists

I was creating a drop down menu for the categories in my Magazine Basic theme and I came across something that started to annoy me a bit. When you hover over the menu item, and the sub-menu dropped down, a title attribute would appear and cover some of the menu. This title attribute it hard wired into WordPress. Just hover over any menu item above and you will see a yellow box appear that says something like “View all posts files under…”.
This is a useful attribute to add to any site in regards to the Web Accessibility Initiative, but if it interferes with the basic navigation of your site, I think it is okay to nix it.

Here is a simple pieces of code that you can use to remove the title attribute from your category list:

If you really want to get fancy, you can add this as a function to your theme’s function.php file. If the file doesn’t exist, just create it.
Add this:

Now when you want to call your category list, use instead of .
You can do the same to your page lists, just replace wp_list_categories('echo=0') with wp_list_pages('echo=0').

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Luke Perrie