Stationery Premium WordPress Theme

Stationery is another premium theme created by myself and Juan Gordillo. It has a straightforward layout with strong design elements and tons of cool features. As I create more and more themes, I want to keep upping the ante and I think Stationery does just that. There are four color options, a custom front page with one or two sidebars, a fully widgetized footer, dynamic SEO functionality, a secure contact page and the list goes on.

Here are some different examples of how you can use Stationery on your site.

Black w/ 1 Sidebar
Black w/ 1 Sidebar

Red w/ 2 Sidebars
Red w/ 2 Sidebars

Blue w/ no footer
Blue w/ no footer

For more information please check our Themes by

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Premium Themes for WordPress

Looking for an easy-to-use Premium Theme for WordPress? Check out Themes by and have your site up and running in no time.

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About the author

Picture of Luke Perrie

Luke Perrie